We so often talk about how to get in media but not so much about what to do with the media that we have acquired and are accumulating. The job of the expert or the authority is not over once the media engagement is complete; it really is just starting.
You have nailed that piece to camera, completed a radio interview or made it into the paper, magazine or online website. The media engagement has been a success and you are chuffed with your performance. Even if you are not totally happy with the media engagement it can be very useful for stills and snippets.
First, you will need to get copies of your media engagements. One way is to ask the producer at the time if it would be ok to send over a copy. These days a lot of the media will be online, available via Facebook or Twitter, making it easier to source. Or you can always talk to a media monitoring agency like MyMedia who are able to sell copyright approved media.
So now you have the media asset, here’s five steps to making sure that media appearance works for you and your business brand.
1. Media Page – Build this immediately into your website and start populating it with your media engagements. Even if you are new to media, build it with the intention to get media.
Here are some samples of very good media pages:
2. Media Showreel – once you have a 10 or more media engagements under your belt you can start to look at a media showreel. A good selection across print, radio, TV and online works beautifully to demonstrate authority.
3. Social Platforms – the sharing of your media engagement across social platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and the like is critical. The beauty of these platforms is that you can regularly push this content out through scheduling and an appropriate spacing between posts.
4. Newsletters – if you have regular contact with your clients via a newsletter make sure your media engagements are celebrated. It reinforces your client’s feelings of trust toward you and it will certainly make an impact on those that you are looking to attract.
5. Electronic Direct Mail – If the media is significant don’t be afraid to send an EDM and make your audience aware of the piece. Perhaps choose your top 10 clients and get their opinion on the issues discussed. This is very powerful.
Get some help with the presentation and the amplification of your media engagements. The ROI is not just who hears, watches, or reads your media performance at the time. The real ROI is achieved when a person finds and discovers you in their time. Make that easy to find, present it well and you are then going to see all your efforts and time that you have applied to media paying off.
By Nic Hayes, Managing Director, Media Stable.