Media Releases Are A Waste Of Time

Media releases are a waste of time.

As we close in on 200 episodes of the marketing and communication podcast Brand Newsroom, our producer Dan Hatch encouraged us to individually interview someone who is making a mark in the communications world. I didn’t hesitate to nominate Oliver Peterson, the host of Radio 6PR’s Drive program Perth Live, to be my special guest. Ollie and I have known each other for years and I can tell you honestly I like the lad. I call him a lad because at only 31 years of age he is the youngest host of a commercial metro talkback program in the country.  Ollie bridges the divide between traditional and new media very successfully.  He is telling stories, reporting the news and importantly he is carrying an opinion and challenging the views of his listeners. His freshness and unbridled enthusiasm to deliver for his audience is one that many in the communications world should take note of. Presenters like Ollie are keen to hear from you and amplify your story. Just tell your story well.

One of the statements Ollie made in the Brand Newsroom podcast was that the media release was dead. It was no longer relevant to him and he didn’t even look at them anymore. Ollie’s view is that a straight to the point headline, an opinion and a solution is always going to win over a one or two page media release. There’s still a number of businesses and brands who are spending a significant amount of money using media distribution companies to disseminate their messages and at the same time we’re told more and more by the very media they’re aimed at, that they’re irrelevant.

“I had 7000 unopened emails before I came in today. I have just deleted 5000 of them just so that I can catch up” said one journalist when attending a #MeetTheMedia.

A smart, cost effective solution to the media release dilemma is to work with a trusted partner of the media like Media Stable. We work hand in hand with PRs, media consultants and individual experts who use our platform to break through with their chosen media. The 600 plus journalists and producers who have actively subscribed to the Media Board, aren’t deleting or ignoring our emails. On the contrary, we’ve become a trusted and useful content source for media around the country.

It’s not easy.  We know that.  If it was, everyone would be in the media. We’re looking for new, qualified and dynamic subject matter experts to come on board in the new financial year. Why not come and join the Media Stable team, where we will successfully amplify your message with the media that matters.

Nicholas Hayes, Managing Director of Media Stable

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