Individual profile building
Become the expert everyone turns to in your field.
Featured on Major Networks
Our clients regularly appear on Australia’s leading media platforms. From top rating national news bulletins to local radio programs, we know the media. Let us connect you.
Stand Out Where It Matters Most
Individuals who appear regularly in the media and give their expert commentary on unfolding events and news increase their media footprint, become more recognisable in their field and are more visible online when prospective clients search their field.
Media is the platform through which we build your profile.
Why build your profile?
Whether you’re looking to further your career opportunities, establish a foothold in your niche or expand your business, building your individual profile through media appearances can increase your search engine visibility, industry credibility and all-round brand value.
What we do to build your profile

We work with members to clarify their vision and personal goals for their brand and profile.
We uncover your point of difference from other market competitors.
Through monthly meetings, we workshop story and content ideas that positively position our experts.
Managers work with members to continuously create content that results in media traction across radio, tv, print and digital.
Members are guided on how to best leverage their media appearances to further amplify their presence and recognition.
Clients Featured On

Awards and Memberships

Partners with Expert Registry

Partners with Medianet

Member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry South Australia

Winner of the Australian Marketing Industry 2020 Awards for Marketing Excellence, state winner for WA Social Change Marketing

Proud sponsor of the WA Media Awards

Partners with Australian Institute of Management, WA

Take Control of Your Narrative. Stand Out in Your Field.
Your expertise deserves to be seen, heard, and valued.
295 Lord St,
Perth WA 6000,
Office hours
Monday - Friday | 5 AM–5 PM
Saturday - Sunday | Close
+61 415 064 413