Our Media Trainers

Amber Daines


Bespoke Communications




Amber Daines is one of Australia’s leading business communications specialists.
Amber is a media trainer, presenter, podcaster, author and news media addict. She is former international TV and print journalist turned PR powerhouse, she has worked in communications for almost 20 years. Her web site is: www.amberdaines.com.
Her weekly podcast ‘The Politics of Everything’ can be found at https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-politics-of-everything/id1242160910?mt=2.
Amber holds a BA Communications at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), where she majored in Journalism and Asia Pacific politics, a Masters of Arts from the University of New South Wales and Certificate IV in Workplace Training & Assessment (Train the Trainer) from UTS.
Amber has been a four-time nominee in the Telstra Business Women’s Awards and was a 2015 National Finalist in the Flying Solo Business Awards. A podcaster, regular media commentator, MC, guest speaker and business presenter, Amber has also written a number of PR and media industry related articles. Her second best-selling book and six part video series from 2015 are called ‘Well Said: How to be heard in Business and Generate Real Influence’.
As of February 2018, she sits as a non-executive director on two boards – Women for Election Australia and the International Football and Tennis School.


A licensed Media Skills trainer, for the past decade Amber has worked a a trusted media trainer and presentation skills coach with CEOs and spokespersons from major brands, such as
Our clients include Carers Australia, Australian Science Innovations, Aim for the Stars, Law and Justice Foundation of NSW, Origin Energy, NEXA Group, Scentregroup, Deloitte, Hilton Australasia, Hayman Island, Business Chicks, AGSM, Macquarie University, Pitcher Partners and the International Fund for Animal Welfare.
I also have a passion for training Not-for-Profits (including The Australian Fund for Animal Welfare, Carers Australia and the Law and Justice Foundation).
As a fellow small business owner, I love helping other entrepreneurs and leaders build their media profile through fine-tuning their communication skills, in good times and in a crisis.

Media training services offered

  • Print
  • Radio
  • Television
  • Online
  • Presentation
  • Editorial


From $2,500 + GST

Reviews and Recommendations

“I’ve attended a number of media training events but this was the best. It was taught by knowledgeable people and it was great to have real journalists to practice on.”
Mark Gabbott, Executive Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics at Macquarie University

“Amber offers an honest and straight-talking approach that is backed by years of industry knowledge, and she tailored her training to my specific needs so it was relevant and fast paced.”
Emma Isaacs, Global CEO of Business Chicks

“Amber’s first-hand knowledge of how the media operates in a crisis, and how our organisation can win the media game, with her planning and message development input, was paramount to us navigating our way forward in a very challenging time.”
Paige Sinclair, CEO of Dolphin Marine Magic

“IFAW has worked exclusively with Amber Daines as our media trainer since 2012, for a number of high profile media campaigns. Our media spokespersons have learned invaluable media interview techniques and mastered their own authentic style with her guidance and input.”
Rebekkah Thompson-Jones, Communications Manger, IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare)

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