Our Media Trainers

I teach people how to become better communicators. Professionally and privately the high achievers and those who lead well balanced lives are invariably the best communicators. From business leaders to politicians, authors, sports stars and aspiring high achievers among some I have coached and mentored for success. Communication skills/the art of compelling Public Speaking can be taught.
I have had a lifetime experience in radio and television as a journalist, TV news anchor, radio talkback presenter, documentary producer, media consultant and voice over artist. I have been an MC , Keynote Speaker and Facilitator for many major events.
Media training services offered
- Radio
- Television
- Presentation
- Editorial
By negotiation. Please contact to discuss your requirements.
Reviews and Recommendations
I had a huge fear of pubic speaking. I searched Youtube etc. for people who could have the style I wanted – nothing flamboyant or over the top, just natural but powerful. This searching lasted a while until I saw Graeme Goodings give a presentation. His practical guide and tips are spot on and he is so helpful and provides common sense solutions. Captain Rod Lovell, Pilot and author of from Hero to Zero .
Quite simply Graeme is a performer and presenter of the highest order. He displays dignity and wit, insight and maturity. He knows how to “work the room” across all territories and in front of all audiences.
Nigel Starck MA PhD, School of Communications, International Studies & Languages.